Earl Holliman Gay?
(too old to reply)
2013-09-07 03:36:28 UTC
I really have no intention of degrading Earl Holiman...I'm watching a Twillight Zone right now and he was brilliant...but...in the day he did ask for for my phone number. In truth, I was flattered, but not interested. He was with other celebs... Angie Dickenson...Arte Johnson and Ruth Buzzi...and it happened more than once at our favorite Thai restaurant in N. Hollywood.
2018-01-07 03:02:53 UTC
I like Earl Holliman. It hurts me to think hes gay.
2018-09-11 17:45:12 UTC
Actually, if anyone did any reasearch into Mr. Holliman's background, they MAY realize that Mr.Holliman preferred to remain a bachelor because he didn't want to marry, father children, then die when the child is young, as not only his biological father and his adoptive father had done. His biological father died while his mother was pregnant with him, and having other children at home and scant income, his mother gave him up at birth. Then his adoptive father died when Holliman was 13.
It may simply be a case that Mr. Holliman feared the same happening to his wife and children should he marry.
I personally know people who have lived their lives in fear of what happened to them as children happening to their own children, so this is not so far fetched an idea in Mr. Holliman's case.
While I understand that "confirmed bachelor" has been code for being gay, it's also the correct term for men who are comoletely straight, but never chose to marry, for whatever reason.
And another little known or published fact, Mr. Holliman is a Republican and votes to the right.
Finally, let me wish you a Happy 90th Birthday, Mr. Holliman! May you have many more!
2018-11-03 17:40:10 UTC
If he was gay, then his role as Bill cowley to angie s pepper Anderson, he came across as all man. Hard not to around angie, if ur a man. But a bloody good actor at being straight. Personally I think he's straight, but even if he's gay, I'm still a fan and love him.
2019-09-03 12:36:12 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
I like Earl Holliman. It hurts me to think hes gay.
Then you're a terrible person.
'The only reason we're still alive now is that we're more fun alive than
dead,' said Granny's voice behind her. --Lords and Ladies
2019-03-04 00:31:02 UTC
Have been watching Giant tonight on TCM, and I found myself browsing through
the star bios and a couple of web pages on IMDB and other places.
One declared that "Holliman is a self-confessed confirmed bachelor."
Am I late to the game and just now discovering that he's gay? I've never
heard mention of such....
And here's a little tidbit: two of the cast of "Giant" went on to play major
roles in William Castle horror films: Carolyn Craig, who played Elizabeth
Taylor's sister, was a star of the original "House on Haunted Hill." And
Judith Evelyn, who played Elizabeth Taylor's mother in "Giant," was the mute
gal in "The Tingler" who enjoys what was billed as the screen's "first
full-color blood bath."!> Megans>>
The late, great James Dean would have been able to tell us!eheee Then
again, Dean is said to have been bi-curious. And as Andrew Dice Clay
(b. Silverstein, NYC's very own sweet Jew) once said, "There's no such
thing as bi-sexual. You either suck d*ck or you don't!" ehe -D, NYC
"Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team" - BILLY JOEL
(NY's very own sweet Jew - one of the top 100 selling artists of
Getting back to Earl Holliman, if he in fact gay, he destroys ant preconceived stereotype of what a gay man is supposed to look like, actlike, or "feel like."

He's the type that if you didn't know better, you'd assume was married, maybe with children.

All this goes against sterotying a person's sexuality by their appearance, although admittedly there are cases where the projection is very evident.
Earl Holliman was just a rare case who went against the grain in persona.
2019-09-03 12:39:15 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Have been watching Giant tonight on TCM, and I found myself browsing through
the star bios and a couple of web pages on IMDB and other places.
One declared that "Holliman is a self-confessed confirmed bachelor."
Am I late to the game and just now discovering that he's gay? I've never
heard mention of such....
And here's a little tidbit: two of the cast of "Giant" went on to play major
roles in William Castle horror films: Carolyn Craig, who played Elizabeth
Taylor's sister, was a star of the original "House on Haunted Hill." And
Judith Evelyn, who played Elizabeth Taylor's mother in "Giant," was the mute
gal in "The Tingler" who enjoys what was billed as the screen's "first
full-color blood bath."!> Megans>>
The late, great James Dean would have been able to tell us!eheee Then
again, Dean is said to have been bi-curious. And as Andrew Dice Clay
(b. Silverstein, NYC's very own sweet Jew) once said, "There's no such
thing as bi-sexual. You either suck d*ck or you don't!" ehe -D, NYC
"Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team" - BILLY JOEL
(NY's very own sweet Jew - one of the top 100 selling artists of
Getting back to Earl Holliman, if he in fact gay, he destroys ant
preconceived stereotype of what a gay man is supposed to look like,
actlike, or "feel like."
Ever seen Rock Hudson?
They were the observers of the operation of the universe, its clerks,
its auditors. They saw to it that things spun and rocks fell. And they
believed that for a thing to exist it had to have a position in time and
space. Humanity had arrived as a nasty shock. Humanity practically was
things that didn't have a position in time and space, such as
imagination, pity, hope, history and belief. Take those away and all you
had was an ape that fell out of trees a lot. --The Thief of Time